On Friday afternoon, I "talked" with the director of the other mainstream preschool that Thomas and I toured to tell them that we wanted to be on the waiting list for the older 3's class rather than have Thomas in a classroom with peers a few months younger than he. It was a hard decision to make because Thomas really liked this new preschool, especially a little girl named Molly. However, we don't want Thomas to regress, even though his language would still expand being around children a little younger than he. Nonetheless, a class with his actual hearing peers would be better.
So, this brings me to "the" talk that I'll have with his current preschool teachers and administrator this coming Tuesday. This past Thursday, I was encouraged by another mom (an awesome Mom & strong advocate for her typical-hearing child) to go and sit down with the director of his current mainstream preschool to tell her how important his FM system is and that I was displeased that his teacher didn't follow up my emails to schedule a time to learn how to use it. With this mom as my inspiration, I walked in and requested some time with the director. She immediately said, "Why don't we talk right now?" So, we went to her office and I grabbed the tissue box just outside her office door...because I knew that I was going to cry...I always tend to do this when it comes to our little man. We had a great discussion. She apologized for not getting the technology in the classroom already and we scheduled the meeting with his teacher for 9:30am this coming Tuesday.
While I still don't know if this is the preschool that the Lord wants Thomas to attend, I also don't know that it isn't. So, I pray for strength, ability to also listen, encourage questions and a sense of peace. I haven't felt much peace lately...but more than anything...I pray that the teachers (all of them including music, Spanish, chapel and PE teachers) will use the FM system appropriately. And if not, I ask that the Lord give us a spot quickly at the other mainstream preschool.
Deep breath for the talk this coming Tuesday...deep breath that Thomas continues to thrive...deep breath...
Ushers ... a New Journey
4 years ago
Know you are such an AMAZING mom and Thomas is so lucky to have you. As I am about to type this, it's me telling myself this too. It's hard not to think we're not "rocking the boat" and "causing waves", especially when there was such good experiences prior to the current one(s). But, as scary as it may be, if the boat needs a rocking, we're the ones who are going to have to stand up and do it. Doesn't mean we're going to fall in. YOU WILL KNOW when it's all said and done. Follow your heart and that mommy instinct. I hope your meeting goes well and that they understand your perspective and how all you're trying to do is make sure your son receives the services HE NEEDS in order to be successful right along with all his hearing peers! Sending hugs and prayers.