CI Activation

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Thankful Thursday

To be completely honest, I'm stealing this idea from a parenting of special needs children magazine. I want to have a positive day of the week where Thomas (when he is older) and my friends/family can read about the little things that I'm grateful for each week.

So here goes nothing -- I'm grateful for:

Having a team at the public auditory/oral preschool that understood that two or more hours on the bus coming home is too much for any child, let alone a 3-year old. Thomas' bus ride home is now clocking in at roughly 45 minutes.

My children loving to go to school each and every morning without complaining (although I do miss the kisses and hugs when they tell me good-bye).

Eating lunch by myself yesterday at a local bakery and having some quiet time to read The Shack.

Going shopping with a girlfriend for a few hours and talking about things other than our children.

My husband recommending that I escape for a bit this coming Saturday to have lunch with a dear friend that I haven't seen in months...even though he is not so secretly wanting to watch college football without feeling guilty that he should be helping me around the house.

Getting an email from Thomas' new speech therapist at school simply to tell me that Thomas said to her, "Thank you very much!" at the completion of yesterday's therapy session. Yea for good manners!

Hearing a recap of Thomas' day at preschool in which he ACTUALLY told me almost all of the activities that he did in school.

Cheese grits and a daughter that loves them.

The cool front that is suppose to knock our temperatures down below 100 degrees this coming weekend.

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